About Commuter Krewe
Let's Get Louisiana Moving!
At the Commuter Krewe Program we provide commuting solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs of Louisiana workers – as well as their employers. We know the area, as well as which programs are available to solve your employees' specific commuting challenges. We'll work with you to plan, promote and implement greener transportation alternatives or teleworking options that can achieve bottom-line benefits, while also meeting your employees’ personal needs.
Acadiana Planning Commission (APC) and Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC) are working with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) to reduce vehicular congestion and vehicle emissions through a reduction in the number of Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) commuter trips in Louisiana. A strategy called Travel Demand Management (TDM) can reduce congestion in a way that does not require infrastructure investments to widen and build new roadways.